Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
159 Walter Lane, Timmins
Minimum Tender Amount: $25,968.16
File Number: 28
Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender:
2 tenders, sold for $101,000.00

There is 1 aerial photo of this property. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.
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The arrow is pointing at the property
Description of Lands:
28. TR 22-13 – 5627-020-010-03100-0000
The surface rights only of PCL 2595 SEC WAT; LT 224 PL M20S Tisdale excepting certain interests to the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission in accordance with the terms of an Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council Dated 1909/02/22; reserving all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, silver, gold and other minerals and the right to prospect, mine and work the same according to the mines act. provided, that if by such prospecting, mining or working any injury or damage be caused to the surface rights Arthur B. Broderick and Philip D. Ross, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall be entitled to compensation thereof, the amount of such compensation and the manner and time of payment therefor, in case the parties cannot agree to be determined by arbitration under Arbitration Act 9 Edward VII (ONT.) C. 35, which compensation shall be a special lien or charge in priority to all other liens and charges on the mines, minerals and mining rights thereby reserved; City of Timmins
PIN 65396-0084
The surface rights only of PCL 9095 SEC WAT; LT 222 PL M20S Tisdale reserving to the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission the right to cross said land in accordance with the terms of an Order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, Dated the 22nd February, 1909; reserving all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, silver, gold and other minerals and the right to prospect, mine and work the same according to the mines act. provided, that if by such prospecting, mining or working any injury or damage be caused to the surface rights, Arthur B.broderick and Philip D. Ross, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall be entitled to compensation therefor, the amount of such compensation and the manner and time of payment therefor, in case the parties cannot agree to be determined by arbitration under Arbitration Act 9 Edward 7, (ONT.) C. 35, which compensation shall be a special lien or charge in priority to all other liens and charges on the mines, minerals and mining rights thereby reserved; City of Timmins
PIN 65396-0085
Improved – 159 Walter Lane
According to the last assessment roll, the assessed value of the property is 153,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $25,968.16
28. TR 22-13 – 5627-020-010-03100-0000
The surface rights only of PCL 2595 SEC WAT; LT 224 PL M20S Tisdale excepting certain interests to the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission in accordance with the terms of an Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council Dated 1909/02/22; reserving all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, silver, gold and other minerals and the right to prospect, mine and work the same according to the mines act. provided, that if by such prospecting, mining or working any injury or damage be caused to the surface rights Arthur B. Broderick and Philip D. Ross, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall be entitled to compensation thereof, the amount of such compensation and the manner and time of payment therefor, in case the parties cannot agree to be determined by arbitration under Arbitration Act 9 Edward VII (ONT.) C. 35, which compensation shall be a special lien or charge in priority to all other liens and charges on the mines, minerals and mining rights thereby reserved; City of Timmins
PIN 65396-0084
The surface rights only of PCL 9095 SEC WAT; LT 222 PL M20S Tisdale reserving to the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission the right to cross said land in accordance with the terms of an Order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, Dated the 22nd February, 1909; reserving all mines, veins, seams and beds of coal, iron, silver, gold and other minerals and the right to prospect, mine and work the same according to the mines act. provided, that if by such prospecting, mining or working any injury or damage be caused to the surface rights, Arthur B.broderick and Philip D. Ross, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall be entitled to compensation therefor, the amount of such compensation and the manner and time of payment therefor, in case the parties cannot agree to be determined by arbitration under Arbitration Act 9 Edward 7, (ONT.) C. 35, which compensation shall be a special lien or charge in priority to all other liens and charges on the mines, minerals and mining rights thereby reserved; City of Timmins
PIN 65396-0085
Improved – 159 Walter Lane
According to the last assessment roll, the assessed value of the property is 153,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $25,968.16
PIN:65396-0084 (LT) & 65396-0085 (LT)
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Waterfront: No
Residential: Yes