Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
8399 Kamiskotia Rd (Waterfront Approx 2.9 Acres), Timmins
Minimum Tender Amount: $19,976.75
File Number: 24
Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender:
Tax Sale Was Cancelled

Aerial imagery supplied by Google.
There is 1 aerial photo of this property. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.
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The arrow is pointing at the property
Description of Lands:
24. TR 22-09 – 5627-010-130-05700-0000
The surface rights only of Lot 7 Plan M330C Robb except Part 1 6R8999; T/W Block A Plan M330C as in CO202713; reserving to the owner of the mining rights, his administrators, executors, and assigns the right and full liberty and power at all times to enter, search for, get and carry away all mines and minerals under the said land, by underground or surface workings, and to sink pits and shafts, erect works and do all things necessary or convenient for the purposes, including power to let down the surface where built upon or not, making from time to time nevertheless reasonable and adequate compensation for all damages hereby done or occasioned to the lands and any buildings thereon; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0347
The surface rights only of Part Mining Claim P.5983 Robb part 1 6R2705 except Part 2 6R8999; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0349
The surface rights only of PCL 18679 SEC SEC; PT Mining Claim P. 5983 Robb PT 1, 6R2148; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0236
Improved – 8399 Kamiskotia Rd
According to the last assessment roll, the assessed value of the property is 137,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $19,976.75
24. TR 22-09 – 5627-010-130-05700-0000
The surface rights only of Lot 7 Plan M330C Robb except Part 1 6R8999; T/W Block A Plan M330C as in CO202713; reserving to the owner of the mining rights, his administrators, executors, and assigns the right and full liberty and power at all times to enter, search for, get and carry away all mines and minerals under the said land, by underground or surface workings, and to sink pits and shafts, erect works and do all things necessary or convenient for the purposes, including power to let down the surface where built upon or not, making from time to time nevertheless reasonable and adequate compensation for all damages hereby done or occasioned to the lands and any buildings thereon; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0347
The surface rights only of Part Mining Claim P.5983 Robb part 1 6R2705 except Part 2 6R8999; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0349
The surface rights only of PCL 18679 SEC SEC; PT Mining Claim P. 5983 Robb PT 1, 6R2148; City of Timmins
PIN 65356-0236
Improved – 8399 Kamiskotia Rd
According to the last assessment roll, the assessed value of the property is 137,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $19,976.75
PIN:65356-0236 (LT), 65356-0347 (LT) & 65356-0349 (LT)
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Waterfront: Yes
Vacant land: Yes