Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
554 Giroux St (Vacant Land), Pembroke
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,766.54
File Number: RWPE22-07
Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender:
No valid tenders or bids received
There are 3 aerial photos of this property. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.
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The arrow is pointing at the property
Municipal Address:554 Giroux St., Pembroke
Legal Description:PT LT 15, CON 1, PEMBROKE, AS IN R380775; CITY OF PEMBROKE
PIN:57167-0251 (LT)
Roll Number: 47 64 000 075 00500 0000
Property Size: 6900.00 SF, 100.00 FR, 48 DEPTH
Annual Taxes: Available in the InfoPak
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Is the property on a lake or bay or river: Yes
Is the property accessible by a public or private road: Yes
Is there a house or cottage on the property: No
Is it possible to obtain a building permit: Yes
But a geotechnical study may be required as no development shall be permitted within 30M of the top of the bank unless setback can be reduced as per study.
Rezoning may be possible - For further information regarding Zoning, contact: Owen Hutton, Planner - 613-735-6821 EXT 1304
Waterfront: Yes
Vacant land: Yes
Additional info: Indian River runs behind