Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
508 Riverside Dr (Waterfront), London
Minimum Tender Amount: $56,172.81
File Number: 02
There are 3 aerial photos of this property. The aerial photos were taken in the Spring of 2022. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.
© OpenStreetMap contributors
The arrow is pointing at the property
Description of Lands:
2. Pt Lot 20, Concession 1, designated as Pts 1, 2 & 3, Ref. Plan 33R3522, Subject to Instrument No. 223916, City of London, County of Middlesex
PIN: 08076-0092 (LT)
Municipal Address: 508 Riverside Dr., London, ON N6H 2R7
Roll No.: 39 36 010-240-329-00-0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $56,172.81
2. Pt Lot 20, Concession 1, designated as Pts 1, 2 & 3, Ref. Plan 33R3522, Subject to Instrument No. 223916, City of London, County of Middlesex
PIN: 08076-0092 (LT)
Municipal Address: 508 Riverside Dr., London, ON N6H 2R7
Roll No.: 39 36 010-240-329-00-0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $56,172.81