Tax Sale Results

Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005


Elder Lane (Vacant 0.9875 Acres), Chatsworth

Minimum Tender Amount: $9,455.18

File Number: GYCH22-18

Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender: 1 tenders, sold for $11,500.00
There are 3 aerial photos of this property. The aerial photos were taken in the Spring of 2015. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.

© OpenStreetMap contributors
The arrow is pointing at the property


Municipal Address:Elder Lane

Legal Description:PT LT 15 CON 2 EGR HOLLAND PT 1 16R8927; CHATSWORTH

PIN:37176-0160 (LT)
 Roll Number: 42 04 360 001 09430 0000
 Property Size: 0.9875 acres
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Is the property on a lake or bay or river: No
Is the property accessible by a public or private road: No
Is there a house or cottage on the property: No
Zoning:Small portion is A1 Rural
Waterfront: No
Vacant land: Yes
Additional info: This parcel comprises 0.4 hectares of land. It’s designated most ‘Provincially Significant Wetlands’ and ‘Hazard Lands’ on Schedule A of the Grey County Official Plan. A very small area is designated ‘Rural. The lands are zoned mostly ‘Wetlands’ and ‘Environmental Protection’ on Schedule A of the Township of Chatsworth Zoning By-law. A very small area is zoned ‘A1’ (Rural). This parcel is vacant and it’s doubtful that a detached dwelling would fit on the subject property. An accessory building (e.g. shed) is not permitted on the property without a house. A trailer is also prohibited. Anyone trying to determine if a detached dwelling would fit should review the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, which is available on the Township’s website. Please note that the ‘R1’ zone provisions apply to the ‘A1’ zoned area since the property is under 2.0 hectares in size. Also, note that the Comprehensive Zoning requires a 120-metre setback from a Provincially Significant Wetland unless the County’s ecologist is satisfied that a reduced setback is possible. An Environmental Impact Study may be required. You may wish to hire a Planning Consultant to assist in determining whether construct a detached dwelling is possible.