Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
Central Frontenac
Small Island "D" in Sharbot Lake
Minimum Tender Amount: $32,529.90
File Number: FCCF19-03
Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender:
Tax Sale Was Cancelled
There are 3 aerial photos of this property. The aerial photos were taken in the Spring of 2008. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.
© OpenStreetMap contributors
The arrow is pointing at the property
Municipal Address:Not Assigned
Legal Description:Small Island "D" in Sharbot Lake in Lot Number 9, Concession 3 in the Geographic Township of Oso, now in the Township of Central Frontenac, in the County of Frontenac, containing one-half acre more or less. Land Registry Office No. 13
PIN:36234-0220 (R)
Roll Number: 10 39 080 040 23700 0000
Property Size: .25 Ac
Annual Taxes: Available in the InfoPak
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Is the property on a lake or bay or river: Yes
Is the property accessible by a public or private road: No
Is there a house or cottage on the property: No
Zoning:LSR – Limited Service Rural;
Is it possible to obtain a building permit: Please contact Andy Dillon – or 1-613-279-2935 ext. 226
Is it possible to rezone: Please contact Andy Dillon – or 1-613-279-2935 ext. 226
Waterfront: Yes
Vacant land: Yes
Additional info: Please see for more non legal information.